Flying between Europe’s edge to Africa: Kitesurfing in Tarifa, Spain.

My intro to kitesurfing in Tarifa, Spain: harness the wind or get blown away.


Over 4 years ago, I had set out on an solo adventure traveling. When I reached Tarifa, I had decided to move my life in the direction of surfing. I had no idea I would be visiting it again years later with a different connection to Kitesurfing. The images below are from my first visit getting an up close experience with kitesurfing for the first time at the beach while joining some new friends from the hostel on their kitesurfing lesson.

Want to see more of Tarifa, Spain? Check out the Escaping Europe to Africa: Tarifa, Spain for more photos.


Surfing in Sayulita, Mexico


Surf Spots of Morocco: Sidi Kaouki, Essaouira and Imsouane